
高中 、 初中 、 小学


时间:2023-08-31 10:30:19 在线预约




Staff and students alike have been keenly anticipating the public exam results this year. With our first G12 graduating cohort and our first substantial number of IGCSE entries in G10, these represent the school’s first ever complete set of public exam results.The exam results have been awarded by CAIE (Cambridge) and EdExcel examination boards.



The exams are marked externally and subjected to the highest standards of assessment. A levels are widely regarded as a “gold standard” of pre-university academic achievement.In recent years, the examination boards have given special consideration to students due to the effects of covid on the educational provision in many countries. In 2022, this saw the percentage of A* and A grades soar to 45% as exams were largely replaced with grades awarded by teachers.

This year the exam boards have been clear that the “Covid grade inflation” must end, and no special consideration has been given for this set of exams. The consequence is that in England, the percentage of A* and A grades has dropped right back to 27%, similar to the pre-Covid results in 2019 (source BBC news, 2023/08/17).


值得自豪的是,在如此严峻的形势下,南京金地未来学校G11、G12学生在AS和A2考试中成绩斐然,取得了50% A*和A的成绩。这个比例,几乎是英国当地学生得A率的两倍。


We are particularly proud, therefore, that our G11 and G12 students achieved 50% A* and A grades in their AS and A2 examinations. This is nearly double the percentage in England where students have for many years been following courses designed to prepare them for A levels. Of course students in England also benefit substantially from being native English speakers. So our students’ results really are an extraordinary achievement, just three years after the school opened. Our G10 students did nearly as well, achieving 44% A* and A in their IGCSE exams.


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上篇: 南京金地未来学校2023学年秋季开学指南
下篇: 南京金地未来学校2023学年中外教师培训