


时间:2017-08-16 14:36:58 在线预约

   Although still early, 2017 graduating students have already received 38 offers from 7 countries, they are, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, and Switzerland.

    We have a student who has received Early Decision offer from University of Rochester with USD 8,000 per year scholarship as an IB student particularly. One student has received offer from University of Waterloo with major of Honours Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management, ranking top in the North America. Moreover, we have students admitted to University of Warwick, University of Bristol, School of Art Institute of Chicago, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, The Australian National University, etc.
    Congratulations to these students and wish all the graduating class the best! Looking forward to more admissions!
    We’d like to share the admissions as follows:

    Although still early, 2017 graduating students have already received 38 offers from 7 countries, they are, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, and Switzerland.We have a student who has received Early Decision offer from University of Rochester with USD 8,000 per year scholarship as an IB student particularly. One student has received offer from University of Waterloo with major of Honours Mathematics/ Financial Analysis and Risk Management, ranking top in the North America.Moreover, we have students admitted to University of Warwick, University of Bristol, School of Art Institute of Chicago, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, The Australian National University, etc.
    Congratulations to these students and wish all the graduating class the best! Looking forward to more admissions!

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上篇: 无锡教育局领导来校进行规范化办学督导
下篇: 江苏省督政团来无锡市协和双语国际学校督导