
初中、 小学、 幼儿园

School Events丨万圣节快乐!

时间:2017-10-31 13:26:21 在线预约


  For children, Halloween might be one of the most anticipated festivals in the whole year. After all, when else could we forget all the academic pressure, immerse ourselves in this fantasy world, pull pranks, and enjoy every moment?
  This year FLIS celebrated Halloween a bit early, this year it was on 26th of October. It was really a day of optics! Take a look at all these dreamlike, scary, and ingenious costumes (and class decorations!). Have you been engrossed by any of them? Later, everyone had a chance to vote for BEST COSTUME!!!
  “不给糖就捣蛋”游戏、万圣节游行和万圣节游戏是福州西湖国际学校的三大传统。大家都讨到了多少糖果?在楼道飞奔的孩子们简直像一阵小旋风——他们是如此之快,也席卷一切!一些教师在游行后为观众们准备了神秘的“快闪”,你们喜欢吗?之后的万圣节游戏也缤纷多样,有由Mike Allen与Cyrus老师带来的“炮制木乃伊”,由Dean与Kris老师带来的“苹果跳跳”,由Julian与Sandy老师主办的“套圈圈”,Don与Ryan老师“掷幽灵”,Kendra与JL老师的“看你敢不敢”,Nikki与Toni老师布置的鬼屋,James与Wei老师带来的“南瓜保龄球”,Eric与Irene老师的“给女巫贴痣”,Juno与Kristy老师的化妆室,中文组教师联袂带来的吹气球。我们希望昨天大家都玩得开心!
  Trick-o-treat, the Halloween parade, and games are the three longest traditions at FLIS. How many candies do you get? The running kids during trick-o-treat were just like small whirlwind. The kids were so fast and swept through everything! Some of teachers prepared a “secret” dance after the parade, did you enjoy it? Next, the Halloween games were enriching and diverse, including Mummy Wrap(offered by Mike Allen, Cyrus), Apple Bobbing(by Dean, Kris), Ring Toss(by Julian, Sandy), Ghost throw(Don, Ryan), Feel if You Dare(Kendra, JL), Haunted House(Nikki, Toni), Bowling with pumpkins(James, Wei), Pin the Wart(Eric, Irene), Face painting(Juno, Kristy), Blow the balloon(Mandarin Dept.). We hope everyone had lots of fun yesterday!
  We finished the celebration with a certificate-awarding ceremony. Check the list and find out if your favorites have been called!


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下篇: Focusing丨FLIS如何喜迎中秋?请欣赏孩子们的作品!