

合肥协和双语学校2025年寒假致家长的一封信 A Letter to Parents on Winter Holidays

时间:2025-01-20 10:30:33 在线预约


Dear parents:



寒假将至,同时我们也将迎来中国的传统佳节 —— 春节。新的一年将带给大家更多的祥和与喜庆,在此,我们预祝各位家长春节愉快,阖家幸福!

The winter holidays are just around the corner and at the same time we will be celebrating the Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. The new year will bring you more peace and joy. We would like to wish all parents a happy Spring Festival and a happy family!


In order to let your children spend a safe, civilised, peaceful, enjoyable and meaningful holiday, according to the requirements of the Hefei Education Bureau, combined with the actual work of the school, we are now informing you of the specific arrangements for the winter holidays of our school and the warm tips as follows:


1月18日(星期六)— 2月12日(星期三)

Winter Holidays:

18th January (Saturday) - 12th February (Wednesday)



Check-in Date:

13th February(Thursday)



Official Class Date:

14th February(Friday)


*Please refer to the notification of each academic department for the exact schedule.



Anti-freezing, anti-slip, and anti-drowning

1. 注意防寒保暖,预防冻伤。冬季天气寒冷,家长要提醒并监督孩子适时增添衣服、穿好棉衣裤、棉鞋,戴好手套、帽子、围巾,防止冻坏身体、冻伤手脚,防止感冒。

Pay attention to keeping warm and preventing frostbite. In the cold winter weather, parents should remind and supervise their children to add clothes, wear cotton-padded clothes, pants, and shoes, and wear gloves, hats, and scarves in a timely manner to prevent frostbite to the body, hands, and feet, and to prevent colds.

2. 教育孩子不要在有积雪、结冰的路面上玩耍,以防滑倒造成摔伤事故。

Educate children not to play on roads with accumulated snow or ice to prevent slipping and causing falls and injuries.

3. 叮嘱孩子不到河塘、水库等危险的水域冰面上行走、玩耍、滑冰、捡物品等。

Encourage children not to walk, play, skate, or pick up items on the ice of dangerous waters such as rivers, ponds, and reservoirs.

4. 提醒孩子发现伙伴去冰面玩耍,要及时提醒和劝阻,劝阻无效时,要立刻告诉老师或家人。发现有人溺水应及时呼救,切勿盲目自行下水救援。

Remind children to promptly remind and dissuade their partners from playing on the ice. If dissuasion fails, they should immediately inform a teacher or family member. If someone is found drowning, they should call for help in a timely manner and should not blindly go into the water to rescue themselves.

二、交通安全Traffic Safety

1. 寒假期间,家长可能会带孩子远行,驾车出行时应自觉遵守交通规则,拒绝无证驾驶、酒后驾驶、超员超速驾驶等违法行为。且儿童乘车时,家长要注意根据孩子年龄和身高正确选择并使用儿童安全座椅,或系好安全带。

During the winter vacation, parents may take their children on long trips. When driving, they should consciously abide by traffic rules and refuse illegal behaviors such as driving without a license, drunk driving, and driving with excess passengers or exceeding the speed limit. Additionally, when children are in the car, parents should pay attention to correctly selecting and using child safety seats according to the child's age and height, or fasten seat belts.

2. 在雨雾、冰雪等恶劣天气出行时,请降低车速,保持车距,谨慎行驶,做到起步缓、转弯缓、制动缓、心态缓。

When traveling in adverse weather conditions such as rain, fog, snow, and ice, please reduce your speed, maintain a safe distance between vehicles, drive cautiously, and ensure slow starting, slow turning, slow braking, and a calm mindset.

3. 教育孩子外出时,要自觉遵守交通规则,过马路走斑马线、天桥或地下通道;不闯红灯,不在道路上嬉戏、打闹,不突然横穿马路。

When educating children, it is important to consciously abide by traffic rules. They should cross the road at zebra crossings, overpasses, or underpasses; refrain from running red lights, playing or roughhousing on the road, and not suddenly cross the road.

4. 家长要做好监督,严禁未满12周岁的孩子骑自行车上路,严禁未满16周岁的青少年骑电动自行车上路。骑乘电动自行车,都要正确佩戴安全头盔,且注意不得逆行、超员、扶肩并行、攀扶其它车辆。

Parents should exercise supervision and strictly prohibit children under the age of 12 from riding bicycles on the road, and strictly prohibit teenagers under the age of 16 from riding electric bicycles on the road. When riding an electric bicycle, it is necessary to wear a safety helmet correctly, and it is important to avoid riding against traffic, exceeding the passenger capacity, riding shoulder to shoulder, or grabbing onto other vehicles.

5. 提醒孩子不要在小区车辆通道、停车场等区域玩耍,更不要在停着的汽车周围蹲坐、停留,避免因司机视觉盲区造成事故。外出时务必远离大型车辆,保持安全距离,不争道抢行。

Remind children not to play in areas such as vehicle passageways and parking lots in the community, and especially not to squat or linger around parked cars, to avoid accidents caused by drivers' blind spots. When going out, be sure to stay away from large vehicles, maintain a safe distance, and do not rush the road.

6. 教育孩子乘坐公共交通工具时,自觉遵守乘车规范,待车停稳后,有序上下车;上车后坐稳扶好,不在车上吃食物或喝饮料;不能擅自将胳膊、头等身体部位伸出窗外。

When educating children to use public transportation, they should consciously abide by the riding rules, wait for the bus to stop completely before boarding and alighting in an orderly manner; sit firmly and hold onto the handrails after boarding, and refrain from eating or drinking on the bus; they should not stretch their arms, heads, or other body parts out of the window without authorization.

7. 在高速公路行驶时,驾驶人要自觉遵守高速公路通行规则,文明安全驾驶,请勿随意变道。遇事故时沉着冷静,正确处理:车靠边、人撤离、即报警。

When driving on the highway, drivers should consciously abide by the highway traffic rules, drive civilly and safely, and refrain from changing lanes arbitrarily. In case of an accident, remain calm and handle it correctly: pull over, evacuate, and call the police immediately.


Prevention of Winter Infectious Diseases

1. 家长要教育孩子养成良好的卫生习惯:餐前便后要洗手;打喷嚏、咳嗽和清洁鼻子要用纸巾掩盖;用过的纸巾不要随地乱扔、不随地吐痰;避免与他人共用水杯、餐具、毛巾等物品。

Parents should educate their children to develop good hygiene habits: wash hands before meals and after using the toilet; cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing, coughing, or blowing the nose; do not litter used tissues or spit on the ground; avoid sharing water cups, cutlery, towels, and other items with others.

2. 注意室内通风,尽量少带孩子到人群密集、通风不良的公共场所,必要时戴好口罩。

Ensure adequate indoor ventilation, minimize exposure of children to crowded and poorly ventilated public places, and wear masks when necessary.


Encourage children to drink plenty of plain water, avoid drinking unboiled water, limit their intake of colored beverages, and steer clear of "three-no food" (no name, no production date, no manufacturer); ensure a balanced diet, incorporating adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, and protein-rich foods to bolster their immune system.

4. 家长应监督孩子合理作息,保证充足的睡眠,加强体育锻炼,并根据天气变化及时增减衣服,注意防寒保暖。

Parents should supervise their children to maintain a reasonable routine, ensure adequate sleep, strengthen physical exercise, and adjust clothing according to weather changes, paying attention to keeping warm and avoiding cold.

5. 传染病高发期,请家长及时带孩子接种疫苗,建立防疫屏障。

During the high-incidence period of infectious diseases, parents are advised to take their children for vaccination in a timely manner to establish a barrier against epidemic prevention.

四、消防安全 Fire Safety

1. 燃放烟花爆竹要在允许燃放的区域和时段燃放,严禁在室内、草坪、树林等区域燃放,不得让孩子在无人监管的状态下燃放烟花爆竹;也不得将点燃的鞭炮扔到化粪池、污水井、窖井池等危险地方。

Fireworks and firecrackers should only be set off in designated areas and during designated times. It is strictly prohibited to set them off indoors, on lawns, in forests, or in other such areas. Children should not be allowed to set off fireworks and firecrackers unsupervised. Additionally, it is not allowed to throw lit firecrackers into dangerous places such as septic tanks, sewage wells, and cellar pits.

2. 向孩子讲明火灾隐患,教育孩子不玩火;保管好火柴、打火机等物品,不让孩子接触;告诉孩子不乱动、乱拆电线、插座和电器设备,避免电伤害。

Explain to children the potential hazards of fires and educate them not to play with fire. Keep matches, lighters, and other items out of children's reach. Tell children not to tamper with or dismantle wires, sockets, and electrical equipment to avoid electrical injuries.

3. 离家外出时,家长要做到“三清三关”:清阳台、清走道、清厨房;关火、关电、关气;切勿在厨房、阳台、公共走道、楼梯间堆放杂物,并及时清理室内可燃物。

When leaving home, parents should ensure "three cleans and three closes": clean the balcony, clean the hallway, and clean the kitchen; close the stove, close the electricity, and close the gas; do not pile up debris in the kitchen, balcony, public hallway, or stairwell, and promptly clean up indoor combustibles.

4. 购买合格电器,不要超负荷用电,不要乱接乱拉电线,不要私自改装电器和线路。禁止将电动自行车或电池带回家充电,严禁“飞线”充电。

Purchase qualified electrical appliances, avoid overloading the electricity, do not connect or pull wires randomly, and do not modify electrical appliances and circuits without authorization. It is prohibited to bring electric bicycles or batteries home for charging, and "flying wire" charging is strictly prohibited.

5. 春节习俗中的用火行为一定小心谨慎,谨防引发火灾。

Be cautious when using fire during Spring Festival customs to prevent fires.

6. 家长孩子外出游玩时,也要注意遵守景区防火规定,不在景区吸烟,不动用明火,不在山上野炊生火,防止引发火灾。

When parents and children go out for leisure, they should also pay attention to complying with the fire prevention regulations in scenic spots, refrain from smoking in scenic spots, avoid using open flames, and do not have picnics or light fires on the mountains to prevent fires.

7. 提高孩子的自护自救能力,教育孩子发现火情后不得擅自扑救,应及时拨打“119”火警电话,报警时要讲明详细地址、起火部位、着火物质、火势大小、被困情况等信息。

Improve children's self-protection and self-rescue abilities. Educate children not to extinguish a fire without authorization when they discover it. Instead, they should promptly call the "119" fire emergency number. When calling, they should provide detailed information such as the exact address, the location of the fire, the type of material on fire, the size of the fire, and the situation of those trapped.

五、取暖安全 Heating Safety

1. 冬季使用电取暖设备,要从正规渠道购买合格产品,严格按照使用说明,与可燃物保持安全距离。

When using electric heating equipment in winter, it is necessary to purchase qualified products from legitimate channels, strictly follow the instructions for use, and maintain a safe distance from flammable materials.

2. 使用煤炉、炭火取暖时,要注意通风换气,不要紧闭门窗,谨防一氧化碳中毒。

When using coal stoves or charcoal fires for heating, ensure proper ventilation and do not tightly close doors and windows to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

3. 冬季使用暖风机、电暖气等设备取暖时,要及时清理周围可燃物,切勿将衣物覆盖在取暖设备上烘烤,同时禁止孩子乱动,以免造成烫伤、触电等事故,出门时、睡觉前请不要忘记关闭电源开关。

When using heaters, electric heaters, and other equipment for heating in winter, it is necessary to promptly clear the surrounding combustible materials. Do not cover clothing on the heating equipment for baking. At the same time, prohibit children from tampering, to avoid accidents such as burns and electric shocks. Please do not forget to turn off the power switch when going out and before going to bed.

4. 电热毯使用时必须平铺,切勿折叠;且通电时间不宜过长,入睡前要关闭电源,避免通宵使用。

When using an electric blanket, it must be laid flat and not folded; the power should not be left on for too long, and the power should be turned off before going to bed to avoid overnight use.

5. 热水袋、暖宝宝等取暖物品不能直接贴着皮肤使用,以防低温烫伤。

Heating items such as hot water bags and body warmers should not be used directly against the skin to prevent low-temperature burns.

六、游玩安全Safety During Play

1. 出行前要提前了解途经地、目的地天气,合理规划旅游线路和时间。尽量避开低温、雨雪、冰冻等恶劣天气,做好防寒保暖措施。

Before traveling, it is essential to understand the weather conditions of the places you will pass through and your destination in advance, and plan your travel route and schedule accordingly. Try to avoid severe weather conditions such as low temperatures, rain, snow, and freezing, and take adequate precautions to keep warm.

2. 外出旅行到公共场所时,要第一时间关注安全出口,讲秩序、不拥挤,服从指挥,谨防发生踩踏事故。

When traveling to public places, it is important to pay attention to the emergency exits at the first time, maintain order, avoid crowding, obey instructions, and be cautious of stampede accidents.

3. 家长应为儿童选择正规、安全的活动场所和娱乐设施,了解活动场所的安全设施配备情况、安全标识和必需的救护设备和器材等,不要带孩子滑野冰。

Parents should choose formal and safe activity venues and entertainment facilities for their children, understand the safety facilities, safety signs, and necessary rescue equipment and apparatus at the activity venues, and should not take their children to skate on natural ice.

4. 对于人流量较大的场所,尽量避免前往。如果要去,建议做好应对措施,比如可以使用牵引绳、给孩子佩戴有定位功能的电话手表等,同时,最好给孩子穿上颜色鲜艳的衣服,这样在人群中容易辨别。

Try to avoid visiting places with large crowds. If you must go, it is recommended to take necessary precautions, such as using a leash or equipping your child with a phone watch with location tracking function. Additionally, it is best to dress your child in brightly colored clothing, making them easier to identify in a crowd.

5. 不擅自进入未开发、未对社会公众开放的山地区域、自然保护区、无人岛、海滩等地玩耍,不尝试陌生偏僻路线。

Do not enter undeveloped mountainous areas, nature reserves, uninhabited islands, beaches, and other places that are not open to the public without authorization, and do not attempt unfamiliar or remote routes.

七、居家安全Home Safety

1. 做好家庭阳台、平台等区域的安全防护。教育孩子不向楼下抛东西,不攀爬阳台、门窗或其他高处,谨防摔伤、坠落。

Ensure safety measures are taken in areas such as family balconies and platforms. Educate children not to throw objects from the balcony, climb balconies, doors, windows, or other high places, to prevent falls and injuries.

2. 勿让孩子独自在家,并教育孩子不要给陌生人开门,提高防骗、防盗、防抢意识。

Do not leave children alone at home, and educate them not to open the door to strangers, enhancing their awareness of preventing deception, theft, and robbery.

3. 教育孩子不要用手指或任何金属制品(如铁丝、钉子、别针等)去接触电源插座内部,也不要用湿手触摸电器。

Educate children not to touch the inside of power outlets with their fingers or any metal objects (such as wire, nails, pins, etc.), and not to touch electrical appliances with wet hands.

4. 将家中药品、化学品等危险物品妥善保管,放置在孩子触及不到的地方,如高处或上锁的抽屉中;注意清洁剂、消毒剂等化学制剂切勿存放在饮料瓶中,以免孩子误食。

Properly store dangerous items such as household medicines and chemicals in places where children cannot reach, such as high shelves or locked drawers. Be careful not to store chemical agents such as cleaning agents and disinfectants in beverage bottles, to prevent children from ingesting them by mistake.

5. 高温或盛有热液的容器,如暖瓶、电饭煲等,应放在儿童不易接触且平稳坚固的地方,不要放置在桌子的边缘,以防孩子被烫伤。

Containers with high temperatures or hot liquids, such as thermos flasks and electric rice cookers, should be placed in a stable and sturdy location that is not easily accessible to children. They should not be placed on the edge of a table to prevent children from being scalded.

6. 将易燃、易爆、易碎、有毒、锋利或其他对孩子身心有不良影响的玩具、物品保管好,不让孩子接触。

Keep toys and items that are flammable, explosive, fragile, toxic, sharp, or have adverse effects on children's physical and mental health properly stored and out of children's reach.

八、网络安全Network Security

1. 网络诈骗手法千变万化,但万变不离其宗,请各位家长和孩子一起牢记“三不一多”原则,即未知链接不点击,陌生来电不轻信,个人信息不透露,转账汇款多核实。

The methods of online fraud are ever-changing, but no matter how they evolve, they all follow the same basic principles. Parents and children are advised to remember the "Three No's and One Verification" principle: do not click on unknown links, do not easily believe strange phone calls, do not disclose personal information, and always verify transfers and remittances.

2. 家长也要注意保管好自己的手机、银行卡等物品。不要将手机银行、支付宝、微信支付等账号密码信息告知孩子,以免孩子受骗后进行大额转账汇款。

Parents should also pay attention to keeping their mobile phones, bank cards, and other items safe. Do not disclose account password information such as mobile banking, Alipay, WeChat Pay, etc. to children, to prevent them from making large transfers or remittances after being deceived.

3. 为预防孩子沉迷网络,请家长与孩子约定好每天的上网时长,合理安排手机、电脑等电子产品使用时间,并做好表率,为孩子树立健康上网的榜样。

To prevent children from becoming addicted to the internet, parents should establish a daily internet usage time limit with their children, rationally arrange the use of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers, and set a good example for their children by demonstrating healthy internet usage.

4. 帮助孩子树立正确的消费观念和行为习惯,及时掌握孩子注册游戏账号充值缴费等信息,防范孩子打赏主播、游戏充值等行为。

Help children establish correct consumption concepts and behavioral habits, keep abreast of information such as their registration of game accounts, recharge payments, and other related matters, and prevent children from rewarding live streamers, recharging games, and engaging in other similar behaviors.

5. 教育孩子警惕网络交友,不能随便加陌生人的联系方式,更不能与网友私下见面。

Educate children to be wary of making friends online, not to casually add strangers' contact information, and especially not to meet with net friends in private.

6. 加强孩子网络安全素养教育,引导其健康、绿色上网,不浏览黄色、赌博等不良信息;不在网上发表或转发有害、虚假、侮辱、诽谤等不良言论;不在网上欺凌、辱骂、威胁他人;不在网上造谣、传谣、信谣。

Strengthen children's education on network security literacy, guide them to surf the internet in a healthy and green manner, and avoid browsing inappropriate content such as pornography and gambling; refrain from posting or forwarding harmful, false, insulting, or defamatory comments online; avoid bullying, abusing, or threatening others online; and avoid spreading, believing, or spreading rumors online.

九、饮食安全 Food Safety

1. 假期当中家长要鼓励孩子以正餐为主,减少零食摄入;培养孩子定时定量、细嚼慢咽、均衡膳食的好习惯,避免挑食偏食和暴饮暴食。

During the holidays, parents should encourage their children to prioritize main meals and reduce snack intake. They should cultivate good habits such as eating regularly and in moderation, chewing slowly and swallowing carefully, and maintaining a balanced diet, while avoiding picky eating, partiality, and overeating.

2. 引导孩子多吃蔬菜水果,适量摄入肉类、蛋类和奶制品,确保营养全面均衡,少吃油炸、烟熏、烧烤的食品。

Guide children to eat more fruits and vegetables, consume meat, eggs, and dairy products in moderation, ensure comprehensive and balanced nutrition, and limit their intake of fried, smoked, and grilled foods.

3. 教育孩子注意饮食卫生,饭前便后洗手,不喝生水、不吃生冷食物、不吃不洁瓜果、不吃腐败变质食物。

Educate children to pay attention to food hygiene, wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet, and avoid drinking raw water, eating raw or cold foods, consuming unclean fruits, and eating spoiled or deteriorated foods.

4. 不购买过期、变质、有异味的食物和“三无”食品,不吃野生菌等高风险食物,不买无证摊点出售的食品,严防食物中毒。

Do not purchase expired, spoiled, or smelly food, "three-no" food, or high-risk foods such as wild mushrooms. Do not buy food sold by unlicensed stalls to prevent food poisoning.

十、心理健康Mental Health

1. 假期是家长与孩子亲密接触、共同成长的好时机,家长应利用假期多陪伴孩子,多与孩子沟通交流,了解孩子的精神需求,做孩子的朋友和榜样。

Holidays are a good opportunity for parents to have intimate contact with their children and grow together. Parents should make use of the holidays to spend more time with their children, communicate more with them, understand their spiritual needs, and become their friends and role models.

2. 用善于发现的眼光鼓励孩子的点滴进步,给予孩子安全感、信任感和幸福感。

Encourage your child's every bit of progress with a discerning eye, and provide them with a sense of security, trust, and happiness.

3. 告诉孩子当在假期生活中出现负面情绪时,应主动向父母表达自己的感受,积极与父母交流;遇到困难时,也可主动向父母寻求帮助,共同商讨解决办法。

Tell children that when they experience negative emotions during the holidays, they should proactively express their feelings to their parents and actively communicate with them. When encountering difficulties, they can also proactively seek help from their parents and discuss solutions together.


When parents notice significant emotional fluctuations in their children, they should provide timely guidance to help them vent their negative emotions. If necessary, they should seek the assistance of a professional psychological counselor.


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上篇: 2024年合肥市包河区协和双语学校招生简章