时间:2024-11-04 09:51:25 在线预约
Tuition Payment for New Students
Please open an account and get a debit card under the student's name at the Bank of Beijing. Send an electronic version or bring a copy of the bank receipt (personal business customer receipt) to the admission office to receive the offer and finish the enrollment procedure.
Meal Fee
6-12 年级:学生自行前往清华大学附属中学餐厅充值。
Grades 1-5: Teaching assistants collect cash from parents on a regular basis and put money on student meal cards. If students need to order snacks, parents can go to the teaching assistants to book for one semester at the beginning of the semester.
Grade 6-12: Students go to the canteen of the Tsinghua University High School to put money on student meal cards on their own.
Withdraw Policy
All students who are going to drop out must submit a formal application in written format before the deadlines as specified in the table below to the secondary director (wkliu@this.edu.cn) or primary director (rrudisaile@this.edu.cn). After approval, parents need to find relevant teachers according to the withdraw form to complete the procedures before they can get the corresponding refund fees and the transcripts. Please read the enrollment notification carefully and strictly observe the agreement.
Asking to Leave
For secondary students who need leave for less than three days, they should first ask for leave from the homeroom teacher, and at the same time, please email to absence@this.edu.cn. or call 8610-62794901 before 8am on that school day. If you need more than three days leave, please attach a medical certificate to the email and send it to both the homeroom teacher and to absence@this.edu.cn.
If students need to ask for leave, please message the teaching assistants before 7:30am, in order for them to order snacks and take attendance.
Students must arrive at the school on time, don't be late or leave early, and the attendance rate of students should be at least 80%, so that they can get the corresponding credits. Otherwise, it will be handled according to the regulations of Tsinghua International School.
Student Visa
If a student needs assistant from the school to get the visa, please contact Ms.Yuan (Email: ryuan@this.edu.cn, office telephone: 8610-62797959).
In order to avoid the delay for getting a student visa, student's parents need to hand in all of the required documents to the Administration office 60 days before the visa expires.
Student Activity
If you have any questions about after-school clubs or study groups, please contact the school's student activity coordinator Ms. Zhou (Email: hzhou@this.edu.cn, Tel: 8610-62794383) .
Student issue
If you have any questions about the students' academic progress or behavior, please contact the student's homeroom teacher. If you need further communication, please contact the corresponding primary/secondary school director or primary/secondary school counselor.
School Counselor
If you have any questions about the students' mental health, please contact the school counselor.
小学部心理辅导老师 Primary Counselor:
Mr. Gerald Anthony (ganthony@this.edu.cn)
中学部心理辅导老师 Secondary Counselor:
张老师 Ms. Laura Zhang(xlzhang@this.edu.cn)
免责声明: 1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身。并不代表远播公司或其观点;2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们:2787266480@qq.com。
清华附中国际部(THIS) 隶属于清华大学和清华附中,创建于2009年,位于百年名校清华附中校园内。国际部为外籍及港澳台地区学生提供中西深度融合的教育,中文、英文双母语培养,培养
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一、新生学费缴费办理Tuition Payment for New Students请在收到录取通知后前往北京银行办理以学生护照姓名为账户名的借记卡,并将开卡回单(个人业务客户回单)复印件或电子版
2024-11-04 09:51:25