时间:2025-03-20 13:10:30 在线预约
Dulwich College International is proud to celebrate the outstanding early university offers awarded to the Class of 2025. These achievements reflect years of dedication, perseverance, and passion—cultivated through academic pursuits, athletic endeavors, artistic expression, and countless other experiences that have shaped our students' aspirations. Each offer is a testament to their commitment to excellence and the supportive community that has guided them along the way.
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Dulwich College International is proud to celebrate the outstanding early university offers awarded to the Class of 2025. These achievements reflect years of de
2025-03-20 13:10:30
2024-11-11 13:19:58
2024-10-09 09:24:17
2024-10-09 09:16:32
学校信息学段 :幼、小、初、高课程 :英国国家课程、IGCSE、IBDP学费幼儿园:26.6万/年~29.62万/年1~2年级:32.86万/年3~6年级:33.22万/年7~9年级:35.56万/年10~11年级:37.93万/年12~
2024-09-03 09:18:46
2024-09-03 09:12:34