

通力协作,共创辉煌 ----记SPIA & SPFS战略部署大会

时间:2017-10-17 10:31:54 在线预约



  On May 10th at 3:00 pm, Shenyang Pacific International Academy held a “Work Together, Create Brilliance” strategic deployment conference in the school auditorium. All of the foreign teachers and Chinese staffs participated.
  Shenyang Pacific International Academy (SPIA) and Shenyang Pacific Foreign School (SPFS)’s owner Mr. Hou and CEO Ms. Sarah Hou summarized the development history of SPIA in the past five years. They analyzed the existing problems, and arranged strategic plans for the future development of both SPIA and SPFS. During their presentation, they gave specific instructions on protocol of the organization structure of SPIA and SPFS.
  Mr. Hou gave all staff an official announcement of the leadership structure for SPIA and SPFS New Director’s responsibility. Mr. Hou announced the new Director is Mr. Dwayne Lehman and the Deputy Director Mr. Gregory van Goidtsnoven from this point in time forward .
  Mr. Hou emphasized that: all staff should be work together and set a the great spirit of unity and Team Spirit to ensure sustainable development. Additionally, all staff are to report to Mr. Dwayne Lehman as well as any issues or concerns.
  最后,校长Dwayne 先生发表讲话,并向全体教职员工一直以来对学生和学校表现出的敬业奉献精神表示衷心的感谢。
  At last, Director Mr. Dwayne Lehman delivered a speech, and shared appreciation for all staff’s dedication to the students and school.
  We do believe that under his leadership, all staff are working for a common goal. SPIA and SPFS will help students enroll into some of the top international colleges and universities around the world. Mr. Dwayne Lehman reminded all staff the importance of why we work in a school, and that is to educate our students.


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